Remote job

You, web development

What AI says?

  1. Build your online presence: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and includes any relevant work experience, skills, and achievements. Consider creating a personal website or blog to showcase your work and skills.
  2. Network with people in your industry: Attend industry events, join relevant online groups or forums, and reach out to people in your network to see if they know of any remote job opportunities.
  3. Search for remote job openings: There are many websites and job boards that specialize in remote job listings, such as FlexJobs,, and We Work Remotely. You can also check the websites of companies that interest you to see if they have any remote job openings.
  4. Tailor your resume and cover letter: When applying for a remote job, it's important to emphasize your ability to work independently and effectively communicate and collaborate with team members remotely. Make sure to highlight any relevant experience you have with remote work, such as freelance or consulting work.
  5. Prepare for the interview: Remote interviews can be conducted over the phone, video call, or in person. Make sure to prepare for the interview just as you would for an in-person interview, including researching the company and the role, and practicing your answers to common interview questions.

Why is it hard?


Email people

Cold emailing is the only way to go.

Find people here:

LinkedIn offers some other advantages than the other sites. You can comment on posts by recruiters, hiring managers, and software developers who are looking to hire for their companies. You can also message recruiters, managers, or other service providers about the opportunity they’ve listed somewhere.

Recruiters and engineering managers share a lot of posts about hiring for their team and it’s good to look out for those. Like the post, put in a small comment, and then message them personally asking about the opportunity. A sample message would look like this:

AngelList is the most popular website for applying to startups. If you feel like a growing company might benefit you the most right now, angelList is the way to go. There’s risk involved with all kinds of situations but keeping a long term goal will help you rise well.

Other websites

  1. LinkedIn (
  2. Monster (
  3. Indeed (
  4. Jumpstart (
  5. Tech internships (
  6. CS interns (
  7. AngelList (
© Aryan Singh